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People - Energy Storage - Fuel Cell - Battery Technology - Virtual Grid


We are thrilled to announce that Rio Tinto has enlisted the expertise of three exceptional Hub trailblazers to revolutionize the world of vanadium flow batteries! Please join us in celebrating the brilliant minds of Professors Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Chris Menictas, and Jie Bao, as they take on a groundbreaking mission to optimize the design and operations of these batteries for application at remote mine sites. This strategic partnership marks a significant step towards a cleaner, greener future for the mining industry and beyond.

Head shot of Rose Amal

Awarded for outstanding service in the field, the 2023 Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Clean Energy Medal has been awarded to Professor Rose Amal, whose work, especially in photocatalysis, led to the commercial use of solar energy to purify water and generate hydrogen. As an influential leader in both academic research and industrial deployment, Rose is a passionate mentor and outstanding role model for young women in science and engineering.

The Hub's Interim Director, Professor Jie Bao, has been awarded $400,000 under the ARC's Discovery Grants program. The project entitled Data-based Control of Process Feature Dynamics through Latent Behaviours aims to develop a novel data-based framework to control the feature dynamics of complex industrial processes, which can be distilled from high-dimensional big process data, leading to high energy and material efficiencies and good product quality. This is Professor Bao’s 11th ARC Discovery/Large Project.

ARC Research Hub for Integrated Energy Storage Solutions
© 2023

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